Saturday, February 21, 2009

Sorry Grandad...

Sorry that I never blog anymore and that you have to harass me through e-mail to get me motivated again. And sorry to the other 4 and a half people that look at my blog randomly. Ben and I don't have a computer or the internet so we don't get on much and plus I feel like my life is pretty boring and unblogworthy right now.

Ben and I have been married for 4 months now and its been pretty fun. I've learned a lot more about him in this past little while being married than when we were dating. Like the fact that Ben has this amazing talent of falling asleep ridiculously fast. He always falls asleep before me which is fine but the other night we were talking in bed and he seriously fell asleep mid word. When I started laughing he woke up and realized what had happened. I think we were talking about stuff that happened when we were dating and he wanted to say "Remember when..." but ended up saying "Remememmm.........."

How's that for talent?


Emily said...

Cathy, I miss your blog too. Brandon used to tease me because I'd be awake when he went to get ready for bed and by the time he brushed his teeth I'd be sound asleep. Oh, and that may be the best picture ever.

Unknown said...

I didn't realize before you were married that Ben had lobster claws for hands.

nana said...

Your dad has that same talent. (Not the lobster hands) He will actually deny it when I say "you're asleep!" He will stop mid-snore and say "No, I'm not!"