Friday, July 27, 2007

And Then There Were 28

I officially went from 32 teeth to 28 yesterday and I'd do it all over again just to get put under. All I remember is laying in the dental chair looking at the light above my head and then getting into my dad's car. I don't remember falling asleep or standing up out of the chair or if anyone said anything to me in the process. I barely remember seeing my dad's bright blue car and then I fell asleep again on the way home. When I got home into the kitchen my dad had me take the gauze out of my mouth to take my medication and then I stumbled down the stairs and passed out on my bed for the next 3 hours. I woke up a few times to wipe the drool from my face but other than that I was just out cold.

Don't read this next part if you have a weak stomach...

When I woke up from that state of unconsciousness I went into the bathroom to discover that it wasn't saliva I was wiping from my face. When I took the gauze out of my mouth to take my medicine I didn't put any back in and I had just been bleeding everywhere... not drooling.

Other than that I've just been keeping frozen vegetables on my face, sleeping and watching the beginning of movies... it doesn't help that I already have a movie watching disease that I never stay awake anyways, but add some good strong drugs on top of that and its a sleepy combination.


Busy Bee Lauren said...

Didn't you just LOVE getting put was my fav. I hate putting frozen veggies next to me face.

Gina said...

Glad you survived the procedure, now can you survive the floating clots then the holes in the back of your mouth? Ugh... I hated all that.

Best wishes for a speedy recovery!

Macey said...

nothing better than a few painkillers and some ice cream