Thursday, May 18, 2006

Its my decision

Ever since I applied to BYU I always had this little uncertainty about it but would just brush it off cause it was so far away. Then when I got my acceptance letter, everyone was real happy for me but that feeling never went away. Then in March I went to a fireside with some friends that basically talked strait to me. I've never had an experience like it. My friends came out thinking that it was the biggest waste of time and I couldn't see why. It talked all about how life is all about making decisions and specifically mentioned the choice of going to BYU or ASU. I realized that when I only applied to BYU, I only gave myself one choice, so I started applying to ASU. I have thought and prayed about what I should do for a few months now and finally this past week made my decision to stay in Arizona and become a Sun Devil. I was finally at a point where I felt good and could start telling others about my choice. My friends were 100% supportive which made me feel even better. I got mixed reactions from my church aquaintences who all thought I was staying for a boy. And then it came down to my family where I got pretty much nothing but crap. One reaction was "You could still live in Utah and take ASU online courses" which makes me feel like I'm not wanted here. I understand that BYU is a good school and I know that I could be happy living up there because I have a lot of really good friends that go there as well. But my decision is ASU. I honestly don't have a logical reason why this is except for the fact that I feel that it's where I'm supposed to be right now. Its not because of boys, and its not because I'm afraid to move out cause frankly, neither of those are a factor. Basically ASU just feels right. Its my decision and I hope that everyone can be supportive of it


stephanie said...

we're behind you, cathy. plus, i think my kids would be too sad to see you go to byu anyway.

Robin said...

Good for you Cathy! It takes courage to do what you know is right even when you don't know why. I think they call it faith. I will be glad we won't be missing eachother cause that would be dumb for you to move to provo right when we are moving to mesa!

Anonymous said...

Provo is lame (j/k, sort of). I'm proud of you and I support you! Move out of the house and feel the freedom of "going away" to school and the benefits of staying home.

Anonymous said...

Really amazing! Useful information. All the best.